Therapy With Your Abuser?  

Posted by Claudine Dombrowski

Source: The New Randi James Therapy With Your Abuser?

Parental alienation cases are dealing with accusations of physical/sexual violence in the family. Upon divorce, the truth about the abuse is revealed to the court, and is refuted through claims of parental alienation. It is very similar to child sex abuse claims and the legal strategy of false memory syndrome.

According to most state laws, claims of domestic violence must be taken seriously. However, in light of the fact that major children and family organizations have been trained and infiltrated by the fathers' rights groups, the allegations (and real evidence) are ignored.

Abuse can be determine substantiated, unsubstantiated, or false. Very often the case is rendered unsubstantiated--which does NOT mean NOT true.

The question is, is therapy WITH your [alleged] abuser humane? Parental alienation theorists believe so.

Labels: child sexual abuse, CPS, DHHS, ethical violations, parental alienation fraud,psychological fraud


    The abuser will try to manipulate the therapist, and try to gain sympathy. He may try to control the appointments, and be unreasonable as possible...and if you don't adhere to his demands, it will be portrayed as your fault or your unwillingness to participate.

    In session, the abuser may try to trigger you, threaten you or outright lie. The threats may not be obvious to the therapist, he could make innuendos or refer to past events. Or use the children to send messages to you, to intimidate you or simply manipulate the children to his bidding.

    Common tactics for an abuser: make the victim appear to be mentally unstable, uncooperative or that she is the one causing the abuse.

    There is no way real therapy can be conducted in this environment. You have to watch everything you say and do. Hide your emotions. Appear not to be afraid or anxious or upset. Even coming to a session with documentation or a witness may work against you. And in truth, no competent therapist would ask a victim to be in session with an abuser, especially without alot of individual therapy and a safety plan put in place ahead of time.

      This entry was posted on 7.12.10 at 7.12.10 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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