Kentucky Court Whore Judge Rice-Holderfield - FREEDOM OF SPEECH “Come Back With A Warrant”  

Posted by Claudine Dombrowski

 Judge Catherine Rice-Holderfield, You have your own blog

Kentucky Court Whore Judge Rice-Holderfield

Thursday, October 7, 2010


In case you forgot Judge Catherine Rice-Holderfield, we women got the right to vote and the constitution is not just for men or court whores like you.

We are on to the scam that you run in Kentucky and double dog dare you to jail Kimberly Harris or ANY of her supporters!

We do NOT negotiate with TERRORISTS of any breed....even lowly court whores as you!

You have disgraced the justice system, diminished the integrity of your office and have abused your power. But we are taking back the power today, we have blogged this story out to the outer regions of earth! People in Australia know about your abuses! COME AND GET US ALL!

WE are not afraid of you or your henchman, attorney Casey Hixson. Sue the internet...because this blog, and ALL the others are not going away...and neither are we.

Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield entered Case No. ...10-D-00184-001 Warren Circuit Court: CIR DIV IV FC TWO County: WARREN KY

On the EPO the Judge specifically ordered the cabinet of Child Protection and Permanency to do a complete investigation for delivery during the EPO hearing and all firearms to be confiscated upon service of this Emergency Protective Order.

EPO hearing set for June 7th, 1:00p.m. 2010 On this date the Judge reissued EPO (due to respondent not prepared with witness to move forward)and consolidated with case 00-D-00060-004.(Which I assume is the old divorce case of almost a decade ago)

On June 21st during the EPO hearing Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield interviewed in her chambers (Child Victim)(see attached letter to the Judge from child victim) Approximately 45min. later the Judge continued the hearing . Steve Coffey's attorney Casey Hixson called a Cabinet Worker Rachel Logan to the stand to testify as an Expert Witness. This Social Worker representing the Cabinet for Families and their Children testified she had already closed the investigation without

(1) viewing pictures of the Child's injury's she also testified she did not

(2) contact Police who responded to a 911 call. She testified she went to Greenwood High School where she claimed to have interviewed the Child however, child victim has never attended the High School. He was in Middle School (Drakes Creek Middle) She testified, child victim had been sexting, as if it were fact yet she did not disclose where she had gotten this information. Child victim did not have a cell phone how is this possible? She also testified as if fact that child victim received a nude photo of a girl on his cell phone, again child victim does not have a phone! She went on to talk about "some plan” he and his mom had come up with" yet she did not investigate or ask questions from myself or child victim to report what this plan may have been. Yet she supported there was a plan and the father whom," was the only person she interviewed during this open investigation", testified the plan was " for child victim to get his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant to get out of his Dad's home" When all actuality the plan was a safety plan, which I and school counselor Tracey Downing also did with child victim the numerous times he came to her office to report violence and fears concerning his father.

This is a common plan to incorporate what to do when you are in a violent situation or you fear violence. This is what I would have expected any Cabinet Worker to focus on while interviewing a child who is sharing fears and abuse, and threats of abuse especially with the history of Domestic Violence during the entire Divorce and Custody case years previous. Apparently this Rachel Logan did not investigate to see if there was such a history.(The Judge was very aware of the DV history) Rachel Logan further testified there was another open investigation in Oct. 2009 however, though she was not the Social Worker assigned to this case. She went on to testify the worker said ," child victim said, my Dad hit me in the face but, it did not hurt" Yet the report written by the School Counselor stated child victim was repeatedly slapped in the face and his cheek was swollen and bruised! Though Rachel Logan was permitted to speak freely in open court concerning her opinion and hear-say from another worker the Judge disregarded objections from opposing attorney yet when the Certified documents of the School's reports were asked to be brought into evidence the Judge would not allow them! Rachel Logan finally testified , "There were only two reports and only two open investigations regarding child victim." This was an absolute LIE and the Judge did not require any proof of the Cabinet.

The Cabinet did not provide the Court any written investigation of their findings. The testimony of Rachel Logan with her bias and opinion without sufficiently conducting an investigation by only meeting and talking with the abusive father and his layer was considered by this Judge as fact and did not protect or attempt to protect this Child. Rachel Logan because she did not do what the Judge ordered and because the Judge did not hold her accountable to do a REAL investigation clearly is an outrage and injustice for what was expected to be a hearing for an Emergency Protective Order to provide evidence to validate if abuse/violence were truly committed and if so how to further protect the person at risk of further danger? Rachel Logan and the Judge , the Abusive father along with his Lawyer who is a life-long-family friend of the Judge and their family's were more concerned about trying to focus on the nature of what could this child have been doing to get into trouble instead of the beatings from his angry out of control father! The Judge did GRANT The ORDER OF PROTECTION-(with a copy attached)

You will find the order states the above-named Respondent Steven Coffey be restrained from committing further acts of abuse of threats of abuse.

ADDITIONAL FINDINGS: For the Petitioner against the above named Respondent in that it was established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that an act(s) of domestic violence or ABUSE has occurred and may again occur!

With this established: Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield orders this DVO to expire in 30days! She attached a Treatment Referral Order for the Cabinet to open and investigate and /preventative plan for when DVO expires (1) The Cabinet did not do an investigation when she ordered it for the EPO YET she is entrusting the safety and life into their hands after evidence of abuse that the cabinet was in denial about happening already? What is her motive? Is she being influenced by her long-time family friend Casey Hixson( attorney for the abuser)

"Hand written on her orders : Father and son to get counseling (unspecified)" Then the Father is scratched out. It has just been adjudged and substantiated the father has committed abuse to child and she writes "Father and son to get counseling! " Is she going to do her job and rely on the voice of the child crying out about how frightened he is of this father and how horrible the abuse and threat of abuse is? Why did she not specify how the courts would make the abuser accountable to keep from further abuse?

Posted by DD at 4:48 PM

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Labels: Bowling Green Kentucky, Court Whore, CPS corruption, Family Court Corruption,Judge Catherine Rice-Holderfield, Kentucky, Media Bias, Warren County Kentucky

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