Kansas Bill will track domestic violence cases  

Posted by Claudine Dombrowski

Bill will track domestic violence cases

Last Update: 4:05 pm

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(Rocky Arnold)

(Rocky Arnold)

A ceremonial bill signed by Governor Mark Parkinson Tuesday will help track domestic violence cases in the state.

It's an issue Curt and Christie Brungardt know all too well. They are the parents of Jana Mackey, a KU law student murdered by an ex-boyfriend two years ago. The new law will flag files of men and women involved in domestic violence cases. The hope is by tracking the cases it will help law enforcement keep those cases from escalating as it did in Jana's case. Her parents say getting the bill passed in Kansas is just the first step and they hope Jana's story will help curb domestic violence across the world. Curt Brungardt said, "Our hope is that where ever this takes us, let's keep the fight up against domestic violence and violence in general against woman, and we want to keep telling Jana's story, if that keeps helping, we'll keep talking and we'll carry on, until our strength is gone.”

Tuesday’s bill signing was only ceremonial as the governor signed the actual bill into law April 12th.

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