Child Abuse and Domestic Violence  

Posted by Claudine Dombrowski

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse issues are integrated with the issues of child custody, parental alienation theory, father's rights, and therapeutic jurisprudence (the influx of psychology into the family court system), etc., so check those sections too. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles.

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Articles and Information that cut through the slop CITATIONS TO RESEARCH; LINKS

  • Battered Mothers' Testimony Project Report by AZCADV PDF SCHOLAR

  • Beaten, Raped, Robbed: Unmasking "Father's Rights" Movement by Kathleen Parker ESSAY

  • Coercive Control by Evan Stark DOC SCHOLAR

  • Counter to the "no long-term harm" argument by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Court Order in In Re Sharline Nicholson, et al., March 1, 2002 (NY) PDF SCHOLAR

  • Domestic Violence Bibliography and Reading List by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Domestic Violence by Proxy by Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D. (Leadership Council) SCHOLAR

  • False Memory Movement's Remedy for a Nonexistent Problem by Judith M. Simon SCHOLAR

  • Fairness and Accuracy in Evaluations of DV and Abuse by Smith and Coukos PDF SCHOLAR

  • Gun Control by Gina Guest ESSAY; CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Issues and Dilemmas in Domestic Violence APA Domestic Violence Taskforce SCHOLAR

  • "Maternal alienation": new research by Anne Morris DOC SCHOLAR

  • Myths and Facts about Young Women's Violence by Elizabeth Frye Society SCHOLAR

  • 2007 NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse PDF SCHOLAR

  • 2009 NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse PDF SCHOLAR

  • A Mixed and Dangerous Tool (critique of prior guide) by Joan Zorza SCHOLAR

  • Ralph Underwager's "Litany for Fathers" with Paedika pedophilia comments by liz

  • Ralph Underwager feeling misunderstood and falsely accused by liz

  • Research on young women's rising arrests, Penn State 2006 RESEARCH PR

  • Stalking Through the Courts: the father's rights movement by Janet Normalvanbreucher SCHOLAR

  • Statistics:Men versus Women Child Abuse by liz

  • Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Court by Stern/Oehme PDF SCHOLAR

  • Understanding the Batterer in Custody and Visitation Disputes by Lundy Bancroft PDF SCHOLAR

  • What is Fair for Children of Abusive Men? by Jack C. Straton, Ph.D. SCHOLAR

  • When Paradigms Collide: Protecting Battered Parents and Children by Clare Dalton SCHOLAR

  • Why He Kills by Caroline Overington PDF SCHOLAR

  • Wife Beating (the original classic) by liz

  • Will He Kill? How judges can assess risk by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

    with link to Maryland Lethality Assessment Protocol

    Child Custody; joint custody; shared parenting; time-share

    Child custody issues are interconnected with issues of maternity and pregnancy, primary caregiving, parental alienation, child development (education and attachment issues), father's rights, and other family law issues, as well as to issues involving forensic psychologists, guardians ad litem (GALs) and other mental health professionals in the family court system, so check related sections, including those on psychology for other relevant articles. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. ALSO SEE, on this issue, the MYTHS AND FACTS pages.

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents.

  • Changing Custody in the Teen Years - why it's a bad idea by liz

  • Joint Custody: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Joint Custody - Those Joint Custody Studies: Debunking the Claims by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Joint Custody: Recent Research by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Joint Custody: Yet More Research Shows It Does Not Work by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Joint Custody Studies: Debunking Bauserman's Meta-analysis by liz

  • Media Distortions by Fathers' Rights Advocates by liz

  • Multiple Meanings of Equality: Case Study in Custody Litigation by Jane Gordon PDF SCHOLAR

  • Not Sharing but Equitable Distribution -- Like for Furniture! cartoon

  • Not "Two Homes" -- It's No Home cartoon

  • Parenting Coordination Issues by liz

  • Presumptive Joint Custody: A Custodial Father Speaks Out by Derek Dahlsad

  • "Right of First Refusal" in Parenting Plans by liz PRACTITIONER ADVICE

  • Separating Siblings by G. Hochman, E. Feathers-Acuna, and A. Huston. SCHOLAR  CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Shared Parenting Failing in Australia CourierMail 11/08 RESEARCH PR

  • Suggestions for Noncustodial Parent Holiday Involvement by liz

  • What the Experts Say: Post-Divorce Parenting and Child Wellbeing by Diane N. Lye DOC SCHOLAR

    Collaborative Law; Cooperative Law; Voluntary Mediation; etc.

    This category includes the various forms of ADR that involve client-controlled negotiated alternate dispute resolution in the family court system. Also see section on PSYCHOLOGY

  • Is Collaborative Law a Good Idea? by liz INFORMED CONSENT CAVEATS

  • Also see (liz) Collaborative Law and Cooperative law, generally

  • And see Florida Collaborative Lawyers Collaborative Law articles

    Guardians ad Litem; Parenting Coordinators; Custody Evaluators, etc.

    This category includes the various forms of so-called ADR (alternate dispute resolution) practitioners, such as GALs, parenting coordinators, parenting evaluators, forensic psychologists, recommending mediators, special masters, court-ordered therapists, other court-appointed mental health professionals, supervised visitation centers, and other profiteers of "therapeutic jurisprudence", whose methods involve -- in non-criminal cases -- intrusion and coercion under the threat of court sanctions, and actual or de facto extra-judicial decision-making. This website heavily criticizes all of these practices, which have multiple things wrong with them, not the least of which is denigration of due process, and the diminution of a publicly observable, regulated, and appealable "rule by law" by substituting the caprice of men and women. These practices have been promoted as "cures" for ailings of the court system and the litigants in it by self-serving persons who apparently are ignorant, or else just do not care about the harms they cause to children and their parents because they make money from the ideas they promote, churning profit in proceedings that fly in the face of the foundations of our justice system. The bulk of these materials are listed in the section on PSYCHOLOGY. Also see the sections on the specific substantive issues, such as child development or parental alienation.

  • Court-appt'd Parenting Evaluators and GALs: The Case for Abolition by Margaret Dore PDF SCHOLAR

  • Guardians ad Litem in Custody Litigation: The Case for Abolition by Richard Ducote PDF SCHOLAR

  • Guardians for Profit: LA Times expose, elder abuse by professional conservators by LA Times Staff

  • Parenting Coordination Issues (outline) by liz

  • Parenting Coordinators, Practical Considerations by liz

  • Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Court by Stern/Oehme PDF SCHOLAR

  • What's Wrong with Parenting Coordination by liz

    Family Court Issues, Activism, Corruption, Etc.

    Also see multiple text and graphical links at LIZNOTES as well as the off-site links at The Liz Library RESEARCH ROOM

  • In the News - Outrages

  • In the News - Justice's Posterous

  • Judicial Blunder of the Year "Award" 2001 by National Coalition for Family Justice of California, Inc.

  • NOW 2002 Report on the Courts PDF

  • Outrages: Naming Names multiple contributors

  • Run, Mommy, Run! by Talia Carner

  • Smear Campaign: Psychologist versus Robin Yeamans by Robin Yeamans

    Fathers' Rights Movement

  • Busting the Fatherhood Myth by Lily DeVilliers

  • Case for Father Custody, The email exchange between liz and FR Nick Szabo

  • Deconstructing Fatherhood Propaganda: liz versus Wade Horn editorial by liz

  • Deconstructing the Deconstructing: liz versus Silverstein and Auerbach editorial by liz

  • Disagreeing with Helen Alvare editorial by liz

  • Father's Rights Joint Custody Propaganda from the AAML editorial notes by liz

  • Media Distortions by Fathers' Rights Advocates editorial by liz

  • Myths and Facts about Fathers and Family Law CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • The National Fatherhood Initiative editorial criticism by liz

    with email comments by David Usher (FR lobbying 1995 welfare deform)

  • Politics of Fathers' Rights Advocates by Mandy Dunn DOC CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Response to "Be Thankful for Fathers" by Amy Ridenour editorial by liz

  • Stalking Through the Courts: the father's rights movement by Janet Normalvanbreucher SCHOLAR

  • Index: "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words

  • "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words page 2

  • "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words page 3

  • About the Children's Rights Council circa 1998 by liz

  • ANCPR readers defend Darren Mack, wife-murderer and judge shooter

  • Wolfgang Hirczy de Mino on Linda Elrod's Washburn family law listserve

  • Dean Hughson (FR originator of web site sold to current owner of Divorce Source)

  • Anne P. Mitchell's F.R.E.E. bit.listserve defending murderer

  • NCFC Dispute with ACFC (in-fighting)

  • Attorney Steven Imparl's "men-law" listserve

  • More posts from the"men-law" listserve

  • And yet more posts from the"men-law" listserve

  • Ralph Underwager's "Litany for Fathers" with Paedika pedophilia comments by liz

  • Ralph Underwager feeling misunderstood and falsely accused by liz

  • Response to Father's Rightster "Pearle Harbour" by liz

  • Trish Wilson's Articles and Materials

  • Warren Farrell and "family sex" (Off Our Backs interview) annotated by liz

  • Warren Farrell and "genitally caressing" (Penthouse interview) annotated by liz

  • complete html text of the 1977 Penthouse article "Incest: The Last Taboo"

  • jpg images of original magazine pages:    1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6

  • Farrell emails libeling liz, interspersed with comments by liz

  • More Farrell emails libeling liz, interspersed with responses by liz

  • Warren Farrell's research distortions in "Myth of Male Power" by Cynthia Teague

  • Warren Farrell's "Top Ten Holiday Suggestions" by liz

    Mother's Rights: Maternity, Paternity and Pregnancy Issues

    Pregnancy and maternity/maternity issues are integrated with the issues of child custody, property and support issues rights, parental alienation defense theory used to counter allegations of abuse and otherwise discredit women's testimony and childcare histories, child development (education and attachment issues), father's rights, and other family law issues, so check related sections for other relevant articles. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. Also see subsection on Attachment and Bonding in CHILD DEVELOPMENT, and Alimony in FAMILY LAW. For history of mothers' rights, see THE WOMEN'S LIBRARY.

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Babies Need Their Mothers Beside Them by James J. McKenna, Ph.D.

  • Bias: examples of societal bias against mothers and motherhood by liz

  • Busting the Fatherhood Myth by Lily DeVilliers

    with Mark Evans RockAmerica Speech

  • Effects of Pregnancy by liz

    Effects of Abortion

    Reasons for a late-term abortion


  • Gender-Blind, Gender-Neutral Equality: When "Equal" Isn't by liz

  • Male Bashing? Brief history of family law politics. by liz

  • Multiple Meanings of Equality: Case Study in Custody Litigation by Jane Gordon PDF SCHOLAR

  • Myths and Facts about Motherhood and Marriage by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Reasking the Woman Question at Divorce by Penelope Bryan PDF SCHOLAR

  • Reconciling Marriage, Motherhood, and Feminism - One (traditional mother) by liz

  • Reconciling Marriage, Motherhood, and Feminism - Two (feminist mother) by liz

  • What is a Primary Parent? by liz

  • Why Divorced Mothers Should Get Alimony by liz

  • Why Most Primary Parents are Mothers by liz

              with Staying alive: Evolution, culture and women's intra-sexual aggression, by Anne Campbell SCHOLAR

  • Why People Divorce by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

    Parental Alienation Syndrome; hostile-aggressive parenting; enmeshment

    NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. Also see Section onPSYCHOLOGY, because the entertaining of alienation theory (by whatever name **) has become integral to the plying of the therapeutic jurisprudence trades in the family courts. It is a primary creator of the relationship engineering industries, and spawns work for "experts" opining pro and con, as well as GALs, supervised visitation centers, court-ordered therapists, custody evaluators, parenting coordinators, and all of their respective lawyers. [** hostile-aggressive parenting, enmeshment, intrusive parenting, intractable hostilities, high conflict, etc.]

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Battered Mothers' Testimony Project Report by AZCADV PDF SCHOLAR

  • Breaking the Silence: PBS documentary aftermath, issues by Dominic Lasseur and Joan Meier

    with additional comments by liz

  • But I've Seen It! (No, you haven't) by liz

  • Compulsive Tree-Planting Syndrome (liz to Gardner) by liz

    Responds to Gardner's 1998 "Misperceptions" article in response to liz's "But I've Seen It!" (above)

  • Criticism of Divorce Poison by Richard Warshak by Cheryl Metellus

  • Cross-Referral relationships of PAS purveyors, Joe Goldberg etc. by liz

  • Custody Switch by Jill Kramer Pac.Sun 10/01 PDF

  • Disciplining Divorcing Parents: Social Construction of Parental Alienation by F. Besset PDF SCHOLAR

  • Domestic Violence by Proxy by Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D. (Leadership Council) SCHOLAR

  • Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome by Jennifer Hoult PDF SCHOLAR

  • Fairness and Accuracy in Evaluations of DV and Abuse by Smith and Coukos PDF SCHOLAR

  • Friendly Parent Concept: A Flawed Factor by Margaret Dore PDF SCHOLAR

  • Fetid Fathering Syndrome satire by liz in response to Turkat's "Malicious Mother Syndrome"

    with complete text of Malicious Mother Syndrome by Ira Turkat CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Lack of Empirical Data, Research or Scientific Basis by Justice for Children DOC CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Letter to Richard Gardner satire by Karen Anderson

  • NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse (it's not PAS) PDF SCHOLAR

  • Overblowing the Child Suggestibility Research by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH AND NEWS

  • PAS and Alienated Children -- getting it wrong in child custody cases by Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome: Getting It Wrong in Child Custody Cases Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • See Prof. Bruch's articles at Index: Carol S. Bruch

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Dangerous Aura of Reliability by Cheri L. Wood TXT SCHOLAR

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome by Antonio Escudero RTF SPANISH SCHOLAR

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v. Gardner in the Family Courts by Jerome Poliacoff PRACT

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome: Proponents Bear the Burden of Proof Robert E. Emery, Ph.D. off-site PDF SCHOLAR

  • PAS and Parental Alienation: Research Reviews by Joan S. Meier PDF SCHOLAR

  • Retaliation Against Professionals Who Report Child Abuse by Katherine Hine SCHOLAR

  • Richard Gardner and "Parental Alienation Syndrome" by Trish Wilson

  • Richard Gardner: A Self-Made Man by Judith M. Simon

  • Richard A. Gardner pedophilia quotes orig. compiled by Stephanie J. Dallam

  • Sound Research or Wishful Thinking in Custody Cases? by Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • What is "PAS" and Why Is It So Often Used Against Mothers? by John E. B. Myers SCHOLAR

    with Richard Gardner and "Parental Alienation Syndrome" by Trish Wilson

    Psychology in the Family Court; Forensic; Therapeutic Jurisprudence

    See comments under Guardians ad Litem, and then go to section on PSYCHOLOGY. Also see the sections on the specific substantive issues, such as child development or parental alienation.

    Relocation; Post-divorce Move-aways

    Post-divorce relocation issues are interconnected with issues of maternity and pregnancy, primary caregiving, economics, parental alienation, child development (education and attachment issues), father's rights, and other family law issues, as well as to issues involving forensic psychologists, guardians ad litem (GALs) and other mental health professionals in the family court system, so check related sections, including those on psychology for other relevant articles. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles.

  • Index: Articles of Carol S. Bruch

  • Sound Research or Wishful Thinking in Custody Cases? by Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Braver Post-divorce Relocation Study: The real findings editorial by liz

  • Braver et al. Post-divorce Relocation Study: Commentary by Judith Wallerstein SCHOLAR

    Criticizes "Relocation of Children After Divorce and Children's Best interests"

  • Constitutional Right to Travel by DiAnn Lindquist PRACTITIONER ARGUMENT

  • Does Moving After Divorce Damage Kids? by Norval Glenn and David Blankenhorn SCHOLAR

  • Post-Divorce Relocation: Policy Considerations by Scott Altman SCHOLAR

  • Index: LaMusga case Information Page Items below in reverse chronological order.

  • Mother's Petition for Rehearing 05/14/04 PDF

  • California Supreme Court decision 04/29/04 PDF

  • Mother's Response Brief to Shear and Warshak 10/17/03 PDF PDF

  • Emails by members of Assoc of Certified Family Law Specialists, CA 08/11/03

  • Mother's Motion re Best Interests Order 07/29/03

  • Mother's Objection to Untimely Briefs by Warshak and Shear 07/26/03 DOC

  • Press Release: Kim Robinson (mother's lawyer) 07/08/03

  • Letter from mother to father announcing relocation to AZ 07/08/03

  • Press Release: National Coalition for Family Justice of California, Inc. 07/07/03

  • Amicus Curiae Public Statement: background and case details 07/03

  • Shear Amicus Brief (for the Therapeutic Juri$prudence crowd) PDF cover PDF

  • Richard Warshak Amicus Brief (written by Sanford Braver) PDF

  • Press Release: Judith Wallerstein 06/30/03

  • Law Professor's Amicus Brief 05/21/03 PDF

  • California Women's Law Center Amicus Brief PDF

  • Judith Wallerstein Amicus Brief 05/12/03 PDF

  • Mother's California Supreme Court Brief 01/17/03 PDF

  • Father's California Supreme Court Brief 10/18/02 PDF

  • Decision: LaMusga Court of Appeal 05/10/02 PDF

  • Decision: In re Marriage of Burgess 04/15/96

  • Press Release: National Coalition for Family Justice of California, Inc.

    Research "Myths and Facts" pages

    These pages, and the pages on custody evaluation and the joint custody, contain literally thousands of research citations. The sociological and psychological research on families and child well-being impacts public policy and the issues of child custody in family law. The research frequently is misrepresented, and mis-cited by mental health professionals, lawyers, forensic psychologists and others, as well as interest groups lobbying for laws. The "facts" on the research myths and facts pages refer to the "fact" of the actual research findings. Often what is cited instead is the "spin" or speculation in researchers' writeups. These pages are presented as a commentary on the flimsy rationales (of record) given for much of current public policy. Also review the other sections pertaining to the issues impacted by the research, such as child custody, parental alienation theory, and other family law issues, as well as the section on therapeutic jurisprudence, which in the family courts is economic opportunism (not science) under the pretext that engineering family affectional relationships is within the ability of mental health "science" to accomplish (this is misrepresentation), and moreover, that it is an appropriate goal of the government and court system using the specious rationale that these interventions are necessary or helpful for children's wellbeing (while ignoring the many iatrogenic effects on both families and the over-burdened courts).Also see subsection on Child Custody in FAMILY LAW

  • Critique of Kelly and Lamb Infant Overnight "research" literature by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

    This paper is used as a teaching illustration of how to do critical reading, and of how the research is distorted and misrepresented in the sociology and psychology literature. It is a line-by-line analysis of propaganda techniques, logic errors, and outright fraud. The Lamb and Kelly article is presented in its entirety, interlineated with discussion and commentary, as well as annotations. The widely-cited paper,Using Child Development Research to Make Appropriate Custody and Access Decisions for Young Children (2000), is an example of pseudo-science posing as objective scholarship by "researchers" or "scientists".But it's a political position paper advocating (without sound basis for doing so), for joint custody for babies and very young children.

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Braver Post-divorce Relocation Study: The real findings by liz

  • Myths and Facts about ADR and Forensic Expertise in Family Court by liz

  • Myths and Facts about Fatherhood and Families by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Myths and Facts about Motherhood and Marriage by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Myths and Facts about Stepmothers and Mother Absence by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Myths and Facts in Wade Horn's Fatherhood Promotion by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Response to Wade Horn's "The Importance of Being Father" by liz

  • Myths and Facts about Parenting and Children's Education by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Statistical myths about child abuse in mother-absent versus father-absent households by liz

  • What the Experts Say: Post-Divorce Parenting and Child Wellbeing by Diane N. Lye DOC SCHOLAR

  • Why People Divorce by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH


    These are transcripts from "A Fatherless Minute" series sponsored by The Liz Library for The Justice Hour radio show on WPBR 1340 AM. The term "fatherless" ("fatherlessness") is used in this series as it is in current research and policy rhetoric by the U.S. federal government, DHHS and the National Fatherhood Initiative, most U.S. states in connection with child custody law and policy, and various family values and fatherhood interest policy and lobbying groups. (For the research, see the subsections Research Myths and Facts andChild Custody, as well as the section on FAMILY LAW generally.)

  • "Fatherless America" list of famous fatherless children (25% of American presidents)

  • Fatherless Children Stories in reading order by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Myths and Facts about Fatherhood  |  more research  |  custody reseach CITATIONS TO RESEARCH


    Forensic Psychology; Guardians ad Litem; Therapeutic Jurisprudence

    The sociological and psychological research on families and child well-being impacts public policy and the issues of child custody in family law. The research frequently is misrepresented, and mis-cited by mental health professionals, lawyers, forensic psychologists and others, as well as interest groups lobbying for laws. Also review the sections pertaining to the issues impacted by the "therapeutic jurisprudence", such as child custody, parental alienation theory, research pertaining to child development, the subsection for research Myths and Factsin FAMILY LAW, and other family law issues. Also see the subsection on Child Custody in FAMILY LAW. The Therapeutic Jurisprudence index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles

  • Index: Therapeutic Jurisprudence

    This section of the website contains current public material from on-going research being conducted around the United States and in Canada by various scholars and organizations who are sharing findings, as well as links to articles and off-site locations on the issue of the harmful use of psychology and psychological theories in the family court systems. Therapeutic jurisprudence in the family courts, i.e. a "mental health approach to the law" substitutes the opinions of mental health practitioners for traditional evidence and decision-making procedures. Because these persons actually do not have any kind of "expertise" to opine this way, what originally was thought to be a helpful idea (in this medicalized and psychologized world) has become merely economic opportunism, harming not only the litigants and children in the system as well as the court system itself, but also perverting substantive and procedural law. It is not science, but compensated yenta-ism that has permeated the courts under the pretexts that engineering family affectional relationships is within the ability of mental health "science" practitioners to accomplish, and that this is an appropriate goal of the government, court system, and state police power because children "need" something it has to offer. See additional comments on this index page here. If you are interested in activism, helping with research in your state, or contributing articles or materials on "therapeutic jurisprudence" contact
  • Are Psychologists Hiding Evidence? A Need for Reform by Lees-Haley and Courtney SCHOLAR

  • Custody evaluators' arguments about test records -- and why they're wrong by liz

  • Children's Associational Rights: Why less is more by Emily Buss PDF SCHOLAR

  • Collaborative Law: What's Wrong with Multidisciplinary Practice? by liz

  • Court-appointed Parenting Evaluators: The Case for Abolition by Margaret Dore PDF SCHOLAR

  • Disciplining Divorcing Parents: Social Construction of Parental Alienation by F. Besset PDF SCHOLAR

  • Guardians ad Litem in Custody Litigation: The Case for Abolition by Richard Ducote PDF SCHOLAR

  • Parental Alienation Syndrome -- getting it wrong in child custody cases by Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • Parenting Coordination Issues by liz

  • Psychology in Court: A Trial Within a Trial by liz

  • Psychology in Court: The Detectives by liz

  • Psychology in Court:The Diagnosticians by liz

  • Psychology in Court: Discovery of Test Data by liz

  • Reevaluating the Evaluators (overview of the problem) by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

    Custody Evaluator Quotes by liz (companion to above article)

  • Socialization, Personality Development, and the Child's Environments by Judith Rich Harris SCHOLAR

  • Sound Research or Wishful Thinking in Custody Cases? by Carol S. Bruch PDF SCHOLAR

  • Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Court by Stern/Oehme PDF SCHOLAR

  • What's Wrong with Parenting Coordination by liz

  • Why "Therapeutic Jurisprudence" Must Be Eliminated From Our Family Courts by liz

  • Why "Therapeutic Jurisprudence" Must Be Eliminated From Our Courts by liz (pub. version)

  • Critical Assessment of Child Custody Evaluations by Emery, Otto, Donohue off-site PDF SCHOLAR


    Reading Rooms

  • Index: Reading Room

    This is a collection of on-site and great offsite links reading for pleasure and education, including complete on-line works of fiction and nonfiction. Send recommendations for additional listings to Also see: the inspirational:

  • Fatherless Children Stories

  • Spotlight on Women of Achievement

  • Addicted to Hate: Story of the Phelps family and the Westboro Baptist Church BOOK

    Research Room - Reference materials

    Index: Research Rooms

    Links page. General reference materials such as calculators, calendars, measures, dictionaries, translators, directories, and similar material; quick links to legal research websites. To be on this page, it has to be outstanding. Send suggestions to

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