Battered Mothers and Custody Abuse (fully downloadable articles and legal journals)  

Posted by Claudine Dombrowski



this site

Links/ Information
Court Ordered Abuse
Mothers Day Lawsuit -IACHR
GALs and Custody Evaluators
Law, Reviews, Journals
The Batterer as Parent


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"Anytime is the right time to do what is right"

Websites That Inform

Moratorium on Child Custody Evaluations

Digital Courtroom Records

American Bar Association Standards of Practice for Lawyers and Judges

The Batterer as Parent

Child Custody & Domestic Violence: A Call for Safety and Accountability

Myths and Common Misconceptions That Place Children at Risk During Custody Litigation

Child Custody & Domestic Violence: A Call for Safety and Accountability

Protective Parent Reform Acts

Rebuttable Presumptions Against Custody for Batterers

Parenting Plans Before Litigation

Parent-Time Guidelines

Journals, Articles, Reviews

Child Abuse

Child Access and Visitation Programs: Promising Practices

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